Going Green by Glowing Green: Understanding Nuclear Power

Nuclear power simplified:

Nuclear power can be produced in two opposing methods, the first of the two being nuclear fission. For this method, in a controlled environment, the nucleus of an atom is split into multiple smaller nuclei, releasing quite a bit of heat in the process. The second (and still experimental) method would be nuclear fusion, wherein the inverse of the fission reaction takes place. Two smaller nuclei merge creating a single nucleus, with some matter from each nucleus being converted into heat energy during the collision. In either case, this heat then rapidly warms the cooling agent (typically water) which then is directed towards a turbine generator to generate power. Essentially, nuclear power is one big, complicated steam generator, not dissimilar —in basic operation at least— to a steam locomotive. This all being said, nuclear energy serves as a method for energy generation that is free of harmful emissions with one glaring asterisk. While the primary byproduct in this process is steam, the more important and potentially damaging byproduct would be the radioactive spent fuel that has to be stored and secured safely to protect the surrounding environment. This aspect of the nuclear process drastically raises the cost of operating and maintaining such a source of production. High school science lesson aside, how does nuclear power compare to other more well-known and widely utilized methods of power generation in developed areas?

Image from: International Atomic Energy Agency


Due to the nature in which nuclear fission creates energy, the standard products found in other power generation applications may be incompatible based on their proximity to the harsh environments created in the process. Wires and cables, power cables, and coaxial cables found in proximity to such elements would need to be able to operate in or adjacent to the extreme pressures, temperatures, and radiation that are found in a nuclear power plant. Sycor prides itself on curating a wide and varied range of products within our catalog, with products such as these being specially designed with shielding and jacketing that allows for optimal usage even in these harsh conditions.

Some usages can include:

- Positioning and management of control rods
- Flux detectors
- Resistance temperature detectors
- Generators
- Reactor coolant pumps and safety valves
- Fire alarms
- Cameras, security, and communications equipment

Sycor is ready and capable of providing supplies and solutions for any of these usages and more. If you have any questions, or are looking to source any of these products for your project or application, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at [email protected]

Green energy vs. Green energy: how does nuclear compare?